
Jim Keckler, Vice President

Habitat Chair
Habitat Chair:

Ron Long
Past President
During the recent election of Chapter 182 Officers, long-time President Ron Long announced that he would not seek re-election and would like to be replaced. Ron has served as President and Banquet Chairman for over 20 years, and has made invaluable contributions to our organization. He has provided strong leadership and has earned the respect of our members, and the staff at the National PF office as well. Under his leadership, Chapter 182 has been ranked among the top 20 Chapters in the US in several habitat categories, and is the only Indiana Chapter to be so recognized.
Ron is being succeeded by Scott Kimmel, who is a long term member of the Chapter, and has been very active in a variety of roles over the years. Scott has large shoes to fill, but will do so capably. Ron will continue his active membership in Chapter 182, and will continue to provide valuable counsel as we move forward.
Ron, Thank you for your dedicated service in the past and we look forward to continuing to work with you in the future.